
Diana has been married to Bob for 38 years. They have 3 daughters and 6 grandchildren! They also have a dog. Diana grew up in San Jose, California, met her Husband in Orange County and Moved to Texas in 1994. After living in other areas, they settled in Denton in 2017. Diana’s family and animals keep her very busy. Time with family is her priority along with Church and Bible study and daily quiet time. She loves learning about Health and Nutrition and also cooking. Diana’s favorite restaurants are First Watch for breakfast or lunch, Marti B's and LSA for dinner. She and her husband enjoy downtown Grapevine and the Fort Worth Stockyards. When Diana was 11 years old she decided she wanted to be a nurse and when she graduated in 1980 she wanted to do L&D but was told to do Med/Surg first. After 2 years in Med/Surg, she was introduced to NICU and became passionate about saving babies' lives. She always thought she would do that until she got very burnt out. As she looked at alternatives to reduce stress, she moved to Kerrville and was hired in a Women’s Services Unit where she was able to start doing Labor and Delivery in addition to being their baby specialist. As she worked there, she began to learn about Health and Nutrition. She became very naturally minded and questioned why we did the things we did in the Hospital. When she moved to Denton, she discovered the world of Natural Childbirth at All About Babies and she is now passionate about Natural Childbirth and how she can use her skills and knowledge to help Midwifery give the best care to women and their babies. Diana has been a nurse now for 43 years and she teaches Birth Workers NRP (Neonatal Resuscitation Program) and BLS (CPR) with an emphasis on Out of Hospital Births. She loves the beautiful setting that is unique to All About Babies and the loving staff that treats the clients like family. She loves that we offer all natural birthing and can blend it with our Medical Resources when necessary. This business is Family owned and operated and their goal is to share the love of Christ though the care they give.